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5th May 2023

How To Improve Productivity With Industrial Automation

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Improving productivity is a top priority for businesses across the globe. In the manufacturing sector, one effective way to achieve this goal is by implementing industrial automation. Industrial automation is the use of machinery, control systems, and computer software to streamline manufacturing processes. In this blog post, we'll explore how industrial automation can improve productivity and what businesses can do to maximise its benefits.

One of the primary ways that industrial automation can improve productivity is by reducing the need for manual labour. Automation can take over repetitive or hazardous tasks that would otherwise require human intervention. For example, an automated assembly line can assemble parts much faster and with greater precision than a human could. This reduces the need for human labour, freeing up employees to focus on more skilled tasks that require human input.

In addition to reducing the need for manual labour, automation can also improve productivity by reducing errors. Automation systems are programmed to perform tasks with consistent accuracy, reducing the likelihood of errors that could cause delays or require rework. This is particularly important in industries such as pharmaceuticals, where precision is critical for safety reasons.

Another way that automation can improve productivity is by increasing speed. Automated machines can perform tasks much faster than humans, which can significantly reduce production times. This can be particularly useful in industries such as food processing or packaging, where speed is essential to meet customer demand.

Additionally, automation can improve productivity by enabling 24/7 operation. Automated machines can operate around the clock, without the need for breaks or rest. This means that businesses can produce more products in a shorter amount of time, without having to hire additional employees.

To fully realise the benefits of industrial automation, businesses should take a strategic approach. Here are some tips for maximising the productivity benefits of industrial automation:

  1. Identify areas for automation: To start, businesses should identify which areas of their manufacturing process could benefit from automation. This could involve analysing production times, identifying bottlenecks, or assessing which tasks are most repetitive or hazardous for employees.
  2. Develop a plan: Once businesses have identified areas for automation, they should develop a plan for implementation. This could involve working with an industrial automation provider to design and install custom automation systems or identifying off-the-shelf automation solutions that can be integrated into the existing production process.
  3. Train employees: While industrial automation can reduce the need for manual labour, employees will still play an important role in overseeing and maintaining automated systems. It's essential to provide employees with the training they need to operate and maintain automation systems effectively.
  4. Monitor and optimise: Once automation systems are in place, businesses should monitor their performance to identify areas for optimisation. This could involve analysing production data to identify areas for improvement or working with an industrial automation provider to make adjustments to the system.

At Motion Drives and Controls, we understand the importance of improving productivity with industrial automation. We provide a range of services to help businesses achieve this goal, including the design and installation of custom automation systems, as well as ongoing maintenance and support. Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry and can work with businesses to develop custom solutions that meet their unique needs. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our automation systems are reliable, efficient, and cost-effective.

In addition to our automation services, we also provide a range of other solutions to help businesses optimise their manufacturing processes. These include the supply of drives and transmission equipment, motion control systems, and PLC programming services. Learn more about what we do here, or click here to get in touch with our team!

To find out what else is happening in the automation world, browse our other articles on our news and inspiration page.